Proofreading: ensuring writing is free of errors.
When proofreading, I check for:
spacing between words
consistency of formatting
page numbers and headings
font size and style.
Post-graduate students: note that it is generally acceptable for a thesis or dissertation to be proofread. The proofreader does not contribute in any way to the intellectual content of the work.
"Finding an astute and empathetic editor was a joy. Glenys provided a prompt and friendly service that I would happily recommend to anyone who requires the services of an eagle-eyed editor." Hertha James
Proofreading te reo Māori: ensuring kupu Māori are written correctly.
When proofreading text in te reo Māori, I check the accuracy of:
macrons and spelling (by referring to He Pātaka Kupu, and other dictionaries when necessary, and also the Guidelines for Māori Language Orthography by Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori)
the wording of whakataukī and whakatauākī (with reference to Ngā Pēpeha a ngā Tūpuna by Mead & Grove)
the wording of kīwaha (referring, if necessary, to He Kohinga Kīwaha by Te Taura Whiri i te reo Māori)
place names and names of marae, hapū and iwi (including checking the appropriate use of capitals and hyphens in names)
tūpuna names (with reference to the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography).
"Your work is done with such quality and care. I have always come back to you for repeat business as you're always able to turn the work around quickly." Toni Roberts
Copy-editing: ensuring your writing is clear, coherent, consistent and correct.
When copy-editing I check for all proofreading aspects, and also for:
appropriate language, tailored to suit the reader
flow and relevance
structural and organisational problems
consistency and completeness of text, title pages, contents, list of illustrations and referencing
format of footnotes, endnotes, bibliography, appendixes and glossary
treatment of quotations
labelling and placement of artwork, tables, charts and graphs
layout and style
compliance with an appropriate referencing system.